

fobes.dev is hosted on a free VPS provided by Oracle Cloud running Ubuntu.
Cloudflare provides DDOS protection and some caching. I use OpenResty to provide nginx with lua support for the random 404 images
Jekyll 4 is used to build the static content on the site. The no-style-please style with some slightly modified CSS rules provides the majority of the styling.
I use Visual Studio code to write for the site, and some Adobe Animate when needed.
I can have two different workflows when writing for the site.
On Windows I attach my Linux EXT4 partition to WSL2 and chroot from the Ubuntu WSL instance to my Endeavour-OS system.
On Linux I don’t have to do anything spectacular, as everything is set up for that system.
To upload the Jekyll generated html to my VPS, I used a handy script from this tutorial

ps2.fobes.dev is hosted directly on my PS2! It’s routed through cloudflare of course. If you’d like to run a website on your PS2 (you need the network adapter!) you can check out the sample I have on my github. The heavy work was mostly done by the mongoose embedded web server. I just had to configure it properly and add some I/O wrappers for the nonstandard I/O we are stuck with for HDD support on the PS2.
Unfortunately, the PS2 is quite loud (It’s a 39010N), and uses up electricity. As a result, I don’t run ps2.fobes.dev as often. If you’re really really curious you can message me on Discord (you can find me in the PCSX2 Discord guild) and I can set up it up quickly.